I’ve been iterating on The Block since receiving prototype results from USGA. The only required change is ensuring the sides don’t count as an additional face. I’m starting to add more curves to the blade shape, this was my first attempt adding a curve on the back. I also made the top step behind the shaft longer on the putter giving the side a smaller profile.
The face is also now laser etched with a thick accent line on the bottom. I’m really happy with the depth of grooves using this method. I personally love the look and can make the accent any color, what do you think?
Next steps are to build in curves on the side and make necessary adjustments for weight spacing tolerances. Then that version will be resubmitted as a second prototype. If all good, I’ll start the first production batch to start the next step with USGA. I’ll also apply these changes to the mallet shape for it to be resubmitted.
It isn’t, but someone said the same thing when I made my last post. I hadn’t seen the logo before but I do see some similarities after having seen it .
I’m planning to go through a trademark lawyer and do some iterations on the logo so there isn’t any confusion/issue. My first name is Michael and the first shape was a mallet so I was trying to combine the two. It’s pretty hard designing a logo to be laser etched that small, but I think it’s worth it for the look.
As a graphic designer who works in the golf space, I’d recommend looking in a different direction. The similarities in both design and market are too close to not create confusion, thus why multiple people have questioned the logo.
For sure, I have some other designs I’ve started on but haven’t landed on something I like yet.
The plan is to call it Block Putters. I was originally thinking it would be “The Block” series with a couple shapes available. But I don’t know what a second putter series might be so that’s probably just the company name. I did get the domains.
My brother is actually gaming one of those collectible wooden putters he got as a prize. He hits all over the face and claims that it is more forgiving than the other putters he tried.
He came and visited and I had to put a set of clubs together for him. The only putter I had was a wooden one that he left at my parents’ house. He made 5 20 footers that round and started gaming it.
Love it, there are some sick wooden putter makers out there and it’s just different. I feel like I’m on to something and I just gotta keep pressing forward .
Addison said: @Vail
Love it, there are some sick wooden putter makers out there and it’s just different. I feel like I’m on to something and I just gotta keep pressing forward .
Yeah they’re beautiful and have a great feel. He gets a lot of attention from it. I’ll point him in your direction when it’s released.