It’s a hard drive
That’s the only fairway your Pro V1 will ever land on.
Error 404: provisional drive not found.
A tee as a GPU support would be interesting
That’s from a hack
Finley said:
That’s from a hack
Could be an issue if it’s connected
Looks like a house fire waiting to happen
Jensen said:
Looks like a house fire waiting to happen
Nah, that turf gets super hot. Walking on that stuff in summer is brutal.
Jensen said:
Looks like a house fire waiting to happen
Nah, that turf gets super hot. Walking on that stuff in summer is brutal.
Imagine trying to manage that heat with a GPU and power supply in a small space, plus adding fans.
You might want to pull that Pro V and add some RAM instead
I’m really disappointed EVGA stopped making graphics cards. The 3000 series looked amazing. I like my Aero since it matches my case, but those were unmatched.
That looks like OneDrive
Isn’t that blocking the bottom intake? And the CPU cooler fans seem installed the wrong way on the AIO radiator? Such a mistake, should have swapped that ball for a Top Flite.
Maybe NVIDIA will notice and hook you up with a free drop
Glow golf
Looks like a solid state drive to me
You should flip the fans around on your AIO.