I need to share my thoughts as a Utah resident… This made the news today:
SB92 - Utah Bill to study golf course water use
I support using less water and saving every drop of our precious resources in this desert. I’m for using reclaimed water, recycling, getting rid of rough areas, and converting lakes and ponds to waste areas, whatever it takes. I’m also for saving the Great Salt Lake; those alkaline dust storms are no joke (just ask the folks in Ridgecrest, CA). If they want to study this and find ways to save water, I’m all for it.
However, a quick search shows how much posturing is going on here…
According to Google, golf courses in Utah use just 0.65% of the state’s water. In comparison, agriculture uses 75% of Utah’s water. People say we can’t cut back on agriculture because everyone needs to eat, right? Well, it turns out 68% of Utah’s water goes to grow alfalfa, most of which is exported abroad. That means we use nearly 35 times more water growing alfalfa for export than we do on golf courses. So we’re really sending a lot of our water out to benefit a few local cash crop farmers. Don’t get me wrong, I respect our farmers. If I had the means, I’d love to start my own farm. I keep chickens, plant gardens, and grow fruit trees on my small suburban lot. Farmers are great.
What I’m asking for is some common sense.
If we cut back on exporting alfalfa by just 25%, we’d save a lot more water than by getting rid of all the golf courses in the state. We don’t need a study for that, just a quick search online would do.
But golf is an easy target since it’s seen as a luxury hobby for rich people. Honestly, covid changed the crowd on the courses I visit. Now I play with people from all walks of life, and I always have a great time.
Politicians and journalists can be the laziest people around.
Edit: If you want to reach out to Sen McCay, here’s the link: Sen McCay contact form