Are we still celebrating the pushcart crew

First 9 with the clicgear today, I might turn my back on the carts

As soon as I thaw out.


Blair said:
As soon as I thaw out.


I got one for Christmas, can’t wait to try it out in April

Blair said:
As soon as I thaw out.


This comment and gif is the reason I come here

Riding carts are for best ball tourneys and scorching hot summer days. Push cart for the rest

I just joined last month throws up gang signs

Clicgear crew rise up

Also dude the preferred name is pushcartel

what’s up gang gang

All day everyday

Last year I went all in and switched from pushcart to the backpack bag. Either way you do it, walking the course is amazing. Definitely recommend

I’ll keep pushing it until it’s too hot to walk, then switch to riding

Recommendations on the best Amazon push carts? 3 wheel vs 4 wheel? I wanna join the gang

Hutton said:
Recommendations on the best Amazon push carts? 3 wheel vs 4 wheel? I wanna join the gang

I see a ton of caddyteks on the courses so maybe one of those

Hutton said:
Recommendations on the best Amazon push carts? 3 wheel vs 4 wheel? I wanna join the gang

Make sure you get one with a seat

Hutton said:
Recommendations on the best Amazon push carts? 3 wheel vs 4 wheel? I wanna join the gang

I just started using a cart and had the same question. Went with the caddytek 4 wheel for more stability, and more storage. But the major thing I noticed is lack of maneuverability, got to lift the front wheels to turn vs some 3 wheels with the swivel front wheel. After a few holes I figured out what I can and can’t do

Holy cow this photo makes me so happy I moved from the Midwest 10 years ago. Also shoutout pushcart crew

I was out today 60 degree weather Feb 3 in Atlanta

Cruising the cart around is too much fun. Granted, only a year in. What I found is unless the pushcartels are super old, they play fast

Just joined this year. Gang gang