I’ve been playing golf for four months and scored a 94 last night. Would you consider that a good or bad score?
I think if you can score below 100 honestly, you’re not a beginner anymore. If you score below 90, you’re good, and if you score below 80, you’re great at golf.
- Considering your relatively short time playing the sport, breaking below the 100 mark is a positive achievement.
In golf, what constitutes a “good” score can vary depending on factors such as the golfer’s skill level, the difficulty of the course, and the specific format of play. However, generally speaking, a good score in golf is typically considered to be around par or slightly better.
For example, on a par-72 course, shooting a score of even par (72) or under is generally considered to be a good round for amateur golfers. Shooting a few strokes over par (73-76) is also considered respectable, especially for recreational players.
For more experienced golfers and professionals, consistently shooting scores below par is considered exceptional and indicative of a high level of skill and proficiency in the game.
It’s essential to remember that golf is a challenging and highly individual sport, and what constitutes a good score for one golfer may differ for another based on their skill level and goals. The most important thing is to focus on personal improvement and enjoyment of the game, rather than comparing scores to others.