What are the key fundamentals of a proper golf swing?

I’ve been hitting the golf course regularly, but my shots seem inconsistent and lack distance. I’ve tried adjusting my grip and stance, but nothing seems to work. I’ve noticed that my swing feels off, and I’m not sure where I’m going wrong. Could someone please explain the key fundamentals of a proper golf swing? What should I focus on to improve my technique and consistency?

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proper golf swing involves several key fundamentals that contribute to consistency and power.
The fundamentals are:

  • Grip: Your grip is essential. Choose from three popular types: interlocking, overlapping, or ten-finger. Find one that feels natural and empowers control during your swing.
  • Stance and Posture:
    • Stance: Position your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Align your body parallel to the target line for accurate shots.
    • Posture: Bend forward from the waist, arms hanging straight down. Maintain a relaxed and athletic posture throughout your swing.
  • Ball positioning: Adjust the ball position based on the club and desired shot. It’s like adding secret seasoning to enhance your shots.

I think these two things are the most important, but new or inexperienced players often forget about them:
You need to keep your arms “connected” to your body.
You need to learn how to hit the ground repeatedly in the same spot, just in front of the ball.

Last, you need to use your legs right.