Toe Strikes? How Can I Find the Middle?

Wsp everyone, I need some help with my swing. I’ve been hitting a lot of shots out of the toe of the club, and it’s really affecting my distance. I’m trying to figure out how to find the sweet spot consistently. I’d really appreciate any feedback on my swing and tips on how to improve.

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Try hitting different spots on the clubface. Hit the toe on purpose, then hit the heel on purpose. If you spray a little Dr. Scholl’s on the face, you’ll see where the ball hits every time!

If you can hit different parts of the face on purpose, finding the middle won’t be as difficult. My old instructor used to say, “How would you explain what ‘warm’ is to someone who doesn’t know what hot and cold feel like?”

I got a lot better at hitting the ball by practicing thousands of chips and pitches, probably around 300 a day on average. It’s free and quicker to do, and I can even practice short chips at home while working. Technically, chips aren’t a full swing, but I think they still help improve your overall coordination. Now I can do things with the club that I couldn’t do before, like hitting balls off the green with one hand and stuff like that.

I think you need to rotate more during your backswing. You’re not making enough space for your arms to swing freely. Try focusing on rotating around your spine.

Looks like your body is moving ahead too far.

Try swinging so your path is a little right of your intended target. It works for me, and I’ve had the same issue for years. P.s. I’m 76 and have shot my age 14 times.

If nothing else works, I once heard a tip to just “reach” further on your downswing and really focus on hitting the middle of the clubface. Sometimes, it’s just about focus and practice.

Put tees down and create a gate drill to find the centre of the club or use half full water bottles, try to heel it more,