Three Months into Golf ....When Will the Pain End?

Hey everyone,

I’ve been playing golf for about three months now and absolutely love it! I play twice a week, but I’m still struggling to break 110, with some rounds even hitting 120+.

I know that practice is key, but I’m starting to feel a bit discouraged with my scores. I experience some aches and pains, especially after my rounds, and I’m wondering if this is normal.

For those of you who have been through this, when did you start seeing your strokes come down? How long did it take before you felt more comfortable on the course?

“When does it end? Man, it hasn’t even started for you yet! :joy:

22 yrs and the pain still stings. Feels like fresh cut.

That’s the neat part, it doesn’t

Juz walked off the course feeling super bummed—shot a 100 today. My full swing was a disaster; I was hooking everything. Managed to get a par on 18, though, which was a nice reminder that I actually know how to play! I asked the guy next to me how his game went, and he said it was terrible. I told him mine was trash and that I was ready to quit. We both had a good laugh, and he said he’d see me next week.

That’s exactly what I needed to hear siz. Thank ya kindly.

It’s a joke video, but I really believe in it! I tried it first, and now my driver is my best club. My two friends started doing it too, and all our scores are getting better!

Tha good thing about golf is that you put in all this work and your scores start dropping. You start shooting in the 80s regularly and think, “Maybe today’s the day I break 80.” You feel great on the range before your tee time, and then you go out and shoot a 110. :joy: