Is she offering lessons? Asking for a friend with a terrible swing…
Pfff! She swings like a little girl! Can she teach me how?
So how much is she charging for lessons?
Ashwin said:
So how much is she charging for lessons?
10 lessons / 22000 THB (around 700 bucks) and each lesson lasts around 1 hour.
Classic early extension, no weight shift whatsoever; lots of room to improve. 15/10.
That’s awesome! We are having a baby girl, and she could be here any time between now and next Monday. I’m excited as hell. What age was your daughter when she got into golf? Her swing is buttery.
Dakota said:
That’s awesome! We are having a baby girl, and she could be here any time between now and next Monday. I’m excited as hell. What age was your daughter when she got into golf? Her swing is buttery.
She started at 3.6 years old after retiring from being a balanced bike professional player lol.
Just make sure you leave her room to be a kid and enjoy the game.
Man, do I hate being late to this game. That kid is gonna be good if she sticks with it. I started playing occasionally at like 15 and had no teaching whatsoever beyond my dad, whose best club is his foot wedge.
I wonder if there are any pros who have time-lapse type vids of their swings like this to show the change from the same age as this girl to their peak as a professional.
My five-year-old doesn’t let me show him squat. He just loves to swing like Happy Gilmore, he has a ton of fun though. It’s worth the watch.
She’s gonna be so damn good, bro. Proud dad moments right here!
Dad has a low bar. She’s MILES above him.
Dude, what the f that’s incredible! This will pay dividends her whole life. My wife started early too and she has this beautiful crisp swing that she can do instinctively versus my late starting self.
Dad. Please just say Dad.