I remember John telling a story about how he had been drinking for 9 hours, while Tiger had been on the range for 9 hours. He would invite Tiger for a drink who would refuse since he had to work in the gym, apparently due to being less talented than John. The next day, they were paired together, only for John to beat him in the round, after which Tiger said that perhaps he should drink with him next time.
Tiger said something like, “John, if I were as naturally talented as you, I wouldn’t have to practice so much.”
Kiran said:
Tiger said something like, “John, if I were as naturally talented as you, I wouldn’t have to practice so much.”
It’s a case of pure talent versus a lifetime of hard work and determination.
That’s incorrect. Daly has probably worked harder than most and was super talented on top of that.
Tiger was also super talented but put in enormous amounts of work. It’s not talent versus hard work, it’s about two absurdly talented individuals; one who worked hard and the other who didn’t as much.
I’d say it’s absurdly talented person versus absurdly talented person, not absurdly talented versus just very talented.
Chan said:
I’d say it’s absurdly talented person versus absurdly talented person, not absurdly talented versus just very talented.
Yeah, I agree. I was trying to differentiate levels. My linguistics aren’t that strong.
I think John’s persona sometimes makes you forget how insane his talent is.
Hollis said:
I think John’s persona sometimes makes you forget how insane his talent is.
It’s an interesting case study, like people who live to 100 but smoke and drink every day. In golf, staying mentally strong by not caring might help, but one wonders how good Daly could have been with a different lifestyle.
Bryson’s break 50 with him was a particularly egregious example.
That episode proves my point. Almost 60, no warm-up, hammered, chugging chocolate milk, and still hit nearly 300-yard drives, barefoot.
Hollis said:
That episode proves my point. Almost 60, no warm-up, hammered, chugging chocolate milk, and still hit nearly 300-yard drives, barefoot.
But he was so wasted by the 6th hole, he was practically useless afterwards. They relied on Bryson’s shots nearly every hole and he couldn’t finish.
Didn’t he say he was like 9 deep on arrival? He still managed plenty of good shots later in the round.
Hollis said:
Didn’t he say he was like 9 deep on arrival? He still managed plenty of good shots later in the round.
Definitely ‘impressive’ from that standpoint, lol. It’s what makes this such an interesting case study.
At some point, a man’s gotta grow up, but he’s done well for himself and if he wants to drink himself to death, more power to him. He’s lived a fun life.
Not everyone can afford to live like a drunk and be alright. If you read more carefully, you’d understand.
He’s not going to let you suck his dick, bud.
Larkin said:
He’s not going to let you suck his dick, bud.
This comment is empty, admin should fix.
It’s like Johnny Manziel at Texas A&M. He thought partying would make him play better. He won a Heisman, but in the NFL, natural talent wasn’t enough and he destroyed his work ethic.
Blake said:
By traveling to the most beautiful places to play golf? These clips aren’t of him in a dirty basement; they’re always luxurious venues.
That’s fair. Some alcoholics can ruin vacations pursuing getting wasted, but that’s a poor assumption about Daly.
“Hey, let’s get that drink now.”