Golf Pro Tip: Put Wiffle Balls in Your Bag

Here’s something that’s been helpful for me lately: a few weeks ago, I started keeping some wiffle golf balls in my bag. I usually use them for hitting shots in the backyard off a mat, but I’ve found a few useful situations on the course:

  • Instead of buying a small bucket before a round
  • Behind the longest tee box if the course is backed up on the first tee
  • Anytime the course is backed up and you’re waiting more than a couple of minutes to hit your tee shot

I’ll typically take a 7 or 8 iron out of the bag and hit a few easy swings from a fluffy lie near the tee box while waiting for the group ahead to clear. I’m not trying to take divots, just keeping my swing loose.

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I batted whiffle balls around the backyard for a couple of weeks. Upon returning to the range, I observed that my downswing force had been much diminished, resulting in poor contact accuracy.

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Not a horrible concept, really. Do you genuinely try to hit the ball straight, curved, etc., or do you just ignore its flight? I’ve never hit a wiffle ball; I’ve only ever hit foam practice balls.

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