Inquiring as to what others may think. I’ve been hitting Wiffle balls in my big yard, but I’m not sure if it’s preferable to hit balls into the net. The Wiffle balls seem to fly fully, so that’s fine, but perhaps hitting actual balls into a net would be preferable. What are your thoughts?
They are good for high handicaps or anyone doing swing changes to practice full swings at home. It doesn’t directly translate to a real ball but if you hit it well, it will go a bit further than if you beat it, and if you top it, you will know as well since you will get no height, so there is some feedback. They won’t help you figure out total distance or spin which will affect if you are slicing or hooking.
I’ve done both, and I gotta say, hitting Wiffle balls is great for working on form without worrying about breaking anything. But real balls into a net? Feels more like the real deal, helps with getting used to the weight and impact. I switch between the two, keeps it fun and balanced. But if you’ve got the space, maybe mix it up.