Don't Give Golf Galaxy your Money

Golf Galaxy is a horrible company to do business with, as is probably already well known, but perhaps my warning will spare someone else the headache I just had to deal with.

My club order from them arrived more than a month late; their customer care is unhelpful, impolite, and unwilling to go above and above.

I’ve learnt my lesson, and I won’t give them or Dick’s Sporting Goods another dollar of mine.


My best memory of Golf Galaxy is the manager telling me that I couldn’t use my coupon on that putter because it was too pricey when I walked in to buy one and had a coupon.

I quickly returned home, utilized the coupon code, placed my online order, and chose “in-store pick up.”

As soon as I walked in, the manager gave me the club that I had purchased using the internet discount, looking irate.

Since then, I haven’t gone back, and I don’t intend to.

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Why go out there to get a cheap fitting? After that how do you take that info to your local course that has a rep from those brands and you order through the course?

Brand reps that work directly with GM/Head Pro’s are very willing to work with whatever issues arise. If you don’t have reps in your area, just buy direct.