Craziest chip-in of the year?!

Man just holed out from the rough about 30 yards off the green. With the lie, it seemed impossible, but the ball bounced perfectly and dropped right in…He still can’t believe it. Anyone else have any wild chip-ins this season?

Taking that shot was crazy brave. There are so many ways it could have gone wrong, like getting stuck in the rough and having an even harder chip to make.

Holy shit. What a fucking shot…

Dammnnn …Crazy like a FOX

How is that even possible? It’s raining, but the green is still that fast?

Don’t move the camera next time camer man. We wanna see the ball.

Thoroughly impressed. Looks like it surprised the guy filming too. lol

I could do that too… except I’d probably skull it and send it 40 yards over the green…

It’s a bummer there were only 2 spectators to see this magnificent shot. It would be cool to dub this clip with a huge building crowd roar.

Crazy how most amateurs play this myself included. Try to chip to the fringe directly in front of you and roll a mile past the pin.