Bucket of golf balls

I usually head to the course or range down the street from my workplace during my lunch break and before or after my 9-5 shift. My preferred option is the small bucket, considering I have about 30 minutes to spare, and I typically focus on practicing with 3-4 clubs each session.

At my range, they charge $6 for 25 balls. However, I’ve noticed that the range machine consistently dispenses a different number of balls each time. In my last five visits, I’ve counted the following amounts:

20, 18, 21, 24, 15

After noticing this inconsistency, I decided to provide feedback to the staff. It was surprising to learn that the small bucket is indeed supposed to contain only 25 balls, which left me quite shocked.

I’m curious, what does your course or range charge for a small bucket, and how many balls do you typically receive? Please vote below on the number of balls you expect in a small bucket.

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You’re not wrong! I go to the range after work all the time and always get the small bucket. It’s perfect for practicing a few irons for 30 minutes. Their small bucket is supposed to be 25 balls for $6, but lately it’s been all over the place! I got 15 balls last time, which stinks. Even the staff said 25 is the right amount. Crazy, right?

Anyway, just curious what other golfers experience. How much do you pay for a small bucket and how many balls do you usually get? Anyone else getting ripped off? Let me know in the comments!

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The inconsistent ball count is interesting! This is what I have experienced:

  1. An average tiny bucket: Ranges Usually, I charge about $6 and provide thirty to forty balls.
  2. Your circumstances: It appears like you may be being underpaid. 25 balls do not seem like much for such a small bucket.

I had a look at what other people thought after casting a vote in your poll!