Best sayings in golf?

I have a round with my boss coming up, and I wanted to come prepared with some snappy one-liners. What are your favourite golfing sayings for good shots, terrible shots, and everything in between?

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Here are some golf one-liners:

  • Good shot: “Right down the pipe!”
  • Terrible shot: “I think my ball joined a new sport—flying lessons”
  • In between: "That’s a golfer’s version of a ‘make-do’ shot.
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I’ve had my share of rounds with colleagues and found that having a few witty golf sayings can really lighten the mood. For a great shot, I love saying, “I could get used to this!” For a terrible one, a classic is, “Well, that’s one way to practice my sand trap skills.” For everything in between, “It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish,” is a good go-to. These one-liners help keep things fun and relaxed, and they’re great for breaking the ice or sharing a laugh with your boss.


Hi guys, ok some of the best sayings in golf is like the;

  1. Well-taken picture: “Up the pipe”
  2. “I believe my ball has taken up flying lessons as a new sport,” it is a terrible shot.
  3. Intermittent: "It is the equivalent of stroke in golf.

If they hit a terrible lag putt and are likely to 3putt:

Now, take your time with the next two

Golfing One-Liners for Every Shot

Good Shots:

  • “That one felt sweet as honey.”
  • “I’m starting to think I might have a future in this game.”
  • “That ball was practically begging to go in the hole.”
  • “I’m channeling my inner Tiger Woods.”
  • “I think I just discovered my superpower.”

Bad Shots:

  • “Well, that was… interesting.”
  • “I’m pretty sure I just broke a law of physics.”
  • “I’m starting to think I’m allergic to golf balls.”
  • “That was so bad, it was almost impressive.”
  • “I think I just found a new way to slice a ball.”

General Golf Chatter:

  • “This course is a real character builder.”
  • “I’m just here for the fresh air and exercise… and maybe the occasional good shot.”
  • “Golf is a good walk spoiled.” (Classic quote)
  • “I’m working on my swing, but the results are questionable.”
  • “I’m pretty sure my ball is plotting against me.”

Some really wise sayings there! “It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish” is my personal favorite; it’s a great way to stay grounded when racing. It’s incredible how a little comedy can defuse tense situations, particularly when you’re playing with friends or during a challenging match. These are absolutely something I’ll remember for my upcoming game. I appreciate you sharing.